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The Sewer Flushing Edmonton

Reliable Drain Cleaning from Hydro-Flo Plumbing & Heating

Avoid letting a sewer backup disrupt your day by relying on the plumbing professionals at Hydro-Flo Plumbing & Heating. We use state-of-the-art sewer vac trucks to help clean and remove blockages from Edmonton, AB, homes, and business. The services we offer are designed to ensure your catch basin, manhole, grease trap, or culvert is clear of any debris and works like new. Our highly trained technicians will arrive on time at your home or business, pick up and dispose of any liquid, high solids, or sludge causing your issues. If you’re unsure which services would benefit you the most, that’s not a problem. We offer free quotes and will work with you to find the best option. Learn more about our sewer backup cleaning services by scheduling a quote today!

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Importance of Catch Basin Maintenance

Catch basins are often called storm drains and play a vital role in Edmonton’s infrastructure. During times such as the annual spring thaw, catch basins quickly become clogged with debris, leaves, sand, and more. Our catch basin maintenance provides a quick and efficient way to remove blockages and get water flowing as intended. Routine maintenance improves drainage, helps prevent localized flooding, stops pipes from clogging, and reduces the likelihood of sediment and debris flowing into local rivers and streams. Here are the benefits of having a catch basin installed and keeping up with routine maintenance:

Improved Landscaping

Improve Your Resale and Property Value

Helps Prevent and Reduces Your Chance of Flooding

sewer vac drain cleaning

Our Professional Manhole Clean Up Services

Similar to catch basins, your local manhole can quickly become filled with sludge, gravel, and other debris. This is especially true after heavy rain or a long hard winter. Hydro-Flo’s sewer vac trucks can effortlessly clean manholes to ensure they function like new ones. When we start any manhole clean-up job, we inspect the system thoroughly. Afterward, we’ll use high-pressure water to remove debris and caked-on sludge. Take a look at the benefits of taking advantage of our manhole clean-up services:

  • No More Strange Smells – If you notice a strange or foul odor in your home or business, it could be from your sewer system. Our manhole and drain cleaning service helps sewage flow out of your house.
  • Faster Drains – Slow drains are commonly the result of clogged sewer lines. Our services are designed to flush out buildup and ensure your drain flows again.
  • Reduced Risk of Sewage Back Ups – It’s easy to take your sewer system for granted. When you ignore the health and status of your sewer lines, it could lead to costly backups. Our manhole clean up services help keep your sewer lines in top-notch shape.

We Clean Grease Traps and Interceptors

Grease traps and interceptors have the similar function of preventing fats, oils, and grease from leaving the kitchen and getting into the sewer system. When poured or disposed into a drain, these can stick to the walls of your sewer pipes and, over time, lead to buildups, blockages, or other costly repairs. Grease traps are small devices commonly found beneath your sink and used to keep low levels of oil and grease. On the other hand, grease interceptors are designed for large-scale kitchens with increased capacity. With both units, it’s vital to keep up with routine maintenance and cleanings. When it’s time to perform the grease trap pumping or clean your sewer interceptor, rely on Hydro-Flo Plumbing & Heating professionals to help. Our highly trained technicians are dedicated to helping with all your plumbing needs.

Take Advantage of Our Culvert Thawing Solutions

During the freezing Edmonton winters, your sewer lines and culverts are susceptible to freezing over. When sewer lines freeze, they can burst from the built-up pressure, and frozen culverts cannot perform as intended. When this happens, take advantage of our unrivaled culvert-thawing solutions. Our technicians have the expertise and cutting-edge equipment to make quick work of frozen pipes and culverts. The equipment our team uses allows us to be gentle and operate with extreme precision while breaking large chunks of ice and quickly moving them out of the way. Regardless of the situation, you can rely on us to get water flowing through your culvert.

Schedule Your Drain Cleaning Today

Hydro-Flo Plumbing & Heating offers Edmonton residents our unrivaled sewer backup services. Whether you need help pumping out your grease trap, steaming your culvert, or maintenance for your catch basin, we’ll help. We offer our services 24 hours a day and always provide free quotes. Our technicians will always discuss upfront costs with you before starting work. To take advantage of our sewer line backup services, give us a call today!

Go With the Flo and Call Us Today!

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